Fluent Future

by Yvonne Froment

A very good tool for learning a foreign language has proved for me to be Fluent Future - http://www.fluentfuture.com/home. It is a language exchange website, that helped me learn Spanish on a very low budget. I subscribed and learned Spanish from native speakers whom I taught on my turn my mother tongue, French. At some point, I even took Spanish lessons from a Mexican teacher.

It is a very useful and cost-effective language learning resource. Just make sure you have at least headphones to use it to the fullest. A web camera would be even better.

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A decent site
by: Maria Thereza

I completely agree with the post. As a Brazilian it has been an amazing experience talking to native speakers of both German and English. My English accent has improved considerably and German has turned out to be much easier than I had ever supposed. I do recommend the www.fluentfuture.com social networking language exchange as a great tool to learn a foreign language by solely teaching your mother tongue.

Maria Thereza

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