German Language Resources and Links

Here is a list of links to German language resources for learning German or advancing your knowledge of the German language. Some of these sites contain so many links and resources that you will certainly not find everything that interests you in one sitting. Be sure to bookmark this page and any others you may find in your explorations that you find particularly interesting. If you have a problem with a link, or if you find something that you think warrants primary attention from this page, please contact me and I'll get on it as soon as possible.

German Language Resources at One of the best resources for German language and culture on the internet (at least written in English anyway!) Some links to newspapers, radio, culture and other German resources.

German Language Resources Galore! Dedicated to materials for language learning, this site includes mailing lists, grammars, links to practice materials, and much more. A list of links to German related sites for culture, history, learning and more.

Learn German Links A directory of quality resources for learning German on the net. All sites included are in English and were reviewed and selected with care. The focus is on free content, but the site also reviews textbooks and language software. Learn to speak German language online at

Fokus Deutsch A video instructional series in German for college and high school classrooms and adult learners in 48 fifteen-minute video programs. This is available for free in a video-on-demand format, but you must have a broadband internet connection. Just register your e-mail address with this educational foundation, and you can view all 48 episodes of this German language television production on your computer. A brilliant production. Highly recommended. Great for beginners and intermediate speakers alike. This is from the website : "Follow the story of Professor Bob Di Donato and Marion, his assistant, as they create a German course using a 'German studies' approach. They weave together minidramas set in Germany, interviews with native speakers, and documentary footage on history and culture, all of which help increase fluency in and comprehension of the language. The narratives, presented in natural, authentic German, cover topics such as school, employment, travel, and personal relationships. Time codes on the videos make it easy to find specific segments. Levels 1 and 2 address vocabulary, topics, and structures for basic communication in German; level 3 continues many of these topics but goes into greater depth."

Here are some blogs and podcasts for fresh material to learn German.
Warning - This one is mostly in German! If you're at an intermediate level and can understand some, the tips and audio you get from sites and blogs like this can be invaluable.
Video podcasts with on-screen text for learners. This guy is a little off-the-wall and is therefore very entertaining. Makes a nice change from overly academic books and videos.
This is the old location for the above podcast. It may contain more archived lessons for a while as they transition to the new site.
Contains audio of German poems.

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"I master only the language of others. Mine does with me what it wants."

- Karl Kraus

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