Good learning experience

by Barbara

I decided to learn Hindi two years ago and after having tried cheaper courses bought Rosetta Stone version 2. I found that this gave me a reasonable basic knowledge and when version 3 came on the market decided to buy it. After a year's use I have found that when I went to India I had a reasonably good command of the language and was constantly complimented on my 'good' Hindi.

I do think one has to apply oneself when doing the course and if I didn't understand why a sentence was constructed in a particular way I would consult a basic grammar. I wonder if some who are critical of the course do not realise that even in a well designed course (and I think Rosetta Stone although it doesn't cover all situations is reasonably well designed) you do have to work at it.

Having read negative reviews of customer service I was very pleasantly surprised with the service I received from the Help Desk (in London?). I had difficulties when trying to load the level 3 disk but the young man I spoke to went to a great deal of trouble and after about 2 hours of working on my laptop resolved the problem.

The course did seem quite expensive when I bought it - but there are no Hindi classes or teachers in my area. Even if there had been I doubt I would have reached my present level of skill following two years' evening classes which would probably have cost me as much.

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