Italian Language Resources and Links

Here is a list of links to Italian language resources. Some of these sites contain so many links and resources that you will certainly not find everything that interests you in one sitting. Be sure to bookmark this page and any others you may find in your explorations that you find particularly interesting. Look for more links to sites to help you learn and practice Italian on the General Language Resources page. Buona Fortuna!

Learning Italian at The single best resource for Italian language and culture on the internet.

Italian Language Resources - ELEaston Materials for language learning, this site includes links to online courses, grammar, practice materials, free music and literature and much more. Some links to newspapers, radio and other Italian resources. A list of links to Italian related sites for culture, history, learning and more.

Free Forum for Italian Learners Impariamo is a free forum where you can meet people from around the world who are learning Italian and share tips to improve your Italian language skills. The BBC has a great bunch of free resources for learning Italian. Tutorials, audio, music, news and more.

Here are some podcasts for Italian learners. Podcasts are one of the great new ways to learn Italian online.

Italian Language Schools

If you are interested in taking a learning vacation or an immersion course to study Italian in Italy, then visit this page of Italian language schools in Italy.

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"A different language is a different vision of life"

- Federico Fellini

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