Korean Level 1

by Joaquin Menchaca
(Seoul, Korea)

I purchased this before I came to Korea as I thought I would get an extra punch to learn Korean. After some technical snafus (noted below), I was able to go through the software. I am not all that impressed.

Fortunately, I know some Korean already, so as a review, it is useful to me. But for a beginner, I cannot imagine how anyone can learn from this. For one, I didn't see lessons about Korean alphabet Hangeul. There should be something on that. Then they don't teach the grammar that they use (I already know, so it is re-inforcement).

I would conclude that this is nominally useful as a supplement, but I cannot see how one can learn a language through this without teach the particulars of the language. I have a feeling that the expensive price tag is more for advertising that product development. I can see this software maybe worth up to $100, but nothing beyond that.

For technical difficulties (snafus), I believe they sent me version 2 application with version 3 data disc. I reported the problem, detailed the version numbers, and they sent me out vers. 3 data CDs twice. Nothing worked. I was persistent, and after being ping-ponged between customer service and outsourced technical support and near-sourced technical support, a customer service lady said screw it, she'll send both app and data CDs. Between all of them, they had mixed stories of what data CD is compatible with what app CD. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that, hmm, maybe version 3 goes with, hmm, version 3.

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