Langup App for Tracking Your Language Learning Activities

I have a number of apps for my iPhone devoted to language learning and I'm always looking for more. One that I just found is perfect for tracking your language learning activities on a daily basis. It's called Langup (do a search for it in the iTunes Appstore or visit : and it is free. You simply add a language you are studying and input the amount of time that you are listening (or reading, writing, speaking) your target language and watch your experience points add up and gain levels! There are a few preset activities like reading a book or an article, or having a conversation, but other than that there are no other features. It is simple and easy to use.

I'm a little jealous because I thought about exactly this idea once before (actually I got the idea from Moses McCormick, which may also be where the creator of the app got it as well) but I'm glad I found it before I tried to make it!

An app like this can be motivating for you, or you can even have competitions with your friends or other students. Even just having it (and seeing it on your phone every time you use it) can be a reminder that you have available time to study and use your languages every day. Be an early adopter and let the creator know if you have any suggestions for improving it.

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