Rosetta Stone review
by Charlesek
I have been using Rosetta stone for German on a regular basis for about two months. I try to get in atleast a half hour per day, but of course miss some days, and do more others. Just as mentioned above the program uses a variety of methods such as audio visual, and then isiolating the two. Personally i am finding the program to be great, i am on my last unit (4 units per level), and the last section of that unit for level one.
One thing i couldn't disagree more with is the authors note on "There isn't any conversation until level 2, but then in the new Level 3 it gets really good."
I have come across lots and very useful conversional skills. Perhaps i am misunderstanding the authors idea of conversation, but i have learned phrases and questions such as... where do you live, where do you come from, how are you in both formal and informal cases and the responses to them of course. How to ask where stores are and understand diretions to them(grocery, toolshops, bookstores etc.)How to ask what someones doing, if they play sports, where they work and the list goes on and on. If i were to be dropped in the middle of a pure german speaking city, i am confident i would do well there (well enough to manage survival!)
I am going to see the program fully through (levels 1-3) and make a final review statement of the program. But for now i would definitly reccomend giving it a try. The information it does teach you is accurate as i am able to communicate the knowledge i know with an austrian exchange student, and he says it all makes perfect sense.
R.S reviewer