Rosetta Stone

by Nick

I used Rosetta stone to begin learning basic Arabic. I found the software to be easy to use, and it began immersing you in the language immediately. The combination of speaking and listening to the language and choosing among pictures is supposed to recreate the way languages are learned naturally.

Although I wasn't able to stick with it for as long as I would have liked to due to a busy schedule, I still picked up some key terms and concepts. I also liked how they combined reading the language with speaking it, and I began picking up some of the written language which is extremely difficult. I can’t read the language, but I can decipher if something is Arabic or not, and occasionally a word.

I plan on continuing the use of Rosetta Stone once my schedule allows, and I think that because of the way the software is set up I should be able to pick up where I left off with little problem. Overall I had a great experience with Rosetta Stone and would recommend its use to others. I plan on using it not just for Arabic, but would also like to use it to increase my proficiency in the Spanish language.

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