Version 3

by Dustin H
(Tulsa, OK)

I have used every version of Rosetta Stone since it came out. The original two versions were novel in the way that they associated images with sounds and words, but at the same time, I felt as though they were lacking. Writing, especially in non-roman scripts, was completely neglected and was not worth looking at. The speakers often had odd pronunciations unlike what my actual language teachers spoke. They did however give me a good base to work off of.

Version 3, in my opinion, has fixed many of these problems. The writing system is much more robust, figuring out what to do and what order to go in is now handled for you, and it even sets up what lessons you should do each day based on how much time you have and how fast you want to learn.

For all those burned by the lackluster support of the previous versions, I suggest checking out 3. I like it a lot better and I'm glad they got their act together.

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