Add Your Own Language Learning Experiences!

Learning languages has finally come into its own. Due to the rise of the internet, learning languages is easier now than ever before. Whether you are learning a language on your own or in classes or an immersion course abroad. Whether you are using books, software, audio, podcasts, blogs, websites or whatever, learning languages is much more advanced today and study materials are more readily available than in the past.

What kind of experiences have you had learning languages? Have you taken a class or are you studying on your own? Are you using books, blogs, websites or forums? What languages have you studied? What did you find difficult or easy? What worked best for you?

Everyone has had different experiences learning a language. We can all benefit from each other if we share our individual language learning experiences. We can help figure out what works best and how to improve our ability to learn languages.

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What Kind of Language Learning Experiences Have You Had?

Write your language learning experiences so that you can help other language learners on their quest. New language learners and even experienced, veteran polyglots can all benefit from sharing our successes. Use the form below and share your language learning story!

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Some Other Visitors Experiences

Click below to see language learning experiences from other visitors to this page...

My Interest In What I Don't Know 
I have learned French and Italian through listening to music and reading internet news. When it comes to my fluency I think I'm much better at listening …

The Russian experience  
It started on a lovely day, when I bought a book on how to learn Russian. Oh, I got so frustrated, having to learn a new alphabet was a pain. I eventually …

The Chinese decision 
Learning Chinese was one of the most difficult decisions. Tone changes bewildered me. As I immersed myself in books, I came to find out that Chinese was …

Learning German in High School 
While in high school I took three years of German and became fairly proficient. I liked the classroom setting because if I had any questions I was able …

Immerse Yourself in French 
For me, immersion is the only way to really learn a foreign language. And that means going to a place where everyone speaks the language you want to learn …

My Experience Learning German 
Learning german: At primary school I had 3 years of German language. My level at that time was rather bad than good. When I had my graduation of primary …

French - My First Language 
French was my first language. I was born of American parents in Geneva, Switzerland and only learned English when we moved to the United States. I was …

Spanish and Norwegian 
I have learned both Spanish and Norwegian as second and third languages. I began learning Spanish in High School, using a traditional academic method …

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'Never stop learning. If you learn one new thing everyday, you will overcome 99% of your competition.'

- Joe Carlozo

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